Mike Laske always had a keen interest in financial analysis and strategy, and in his case, it spans all the way back to elementary school. It was shortly after morning chores that he would ask to borrow his parents’ newspaper, look through the stock pages, carefully analyze trends, then pick a few to play with. His hobby portfolio did well enough to catch the attention of his teachers and parents, and a spark was soon a flame for a successful career in financial planning.
Adam’s career journey allows him to provide unique client counsel informed by perspectives spanning accounts service, trust administration and fiduciary compliance.
Growing up in West Terre Haute, Indiana, Debby felt the same as everyone else. Nothing felt unusual, nothing seemed out of place. When she got to college, however, she quickly learned, there were big differences in the world when it comes to wealth and poverty.
Maggie Steffy’s journey from her small-town roots in Petoskey to her new role as a business development officer at Greenleaf Trust in northern Michigan is a remarkable one. She ventured to Kalamazoo for her college education, where she double majored in economics and Spanish, embracing the opportunity to meet people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. […]
Growing up in Birmingham, Michigan, sports were a big part of Bill Feldmaier’s life. From little league baseball to playing quarterback at Birmingham Seaholm and earning a full athletic scholarship to the University at Buffalo, he enjoyed the camaraderie, competition and strategy required to lead winning teams. For 22 years, Bill worked in the institutional […]
Donna Zandee learned about the importance of planning and saving from her mother, a career woman who worked in executive management. Although she did not realize it at the time, those lessons would become the foundation for her lifelong career. In finance, Donna worked through numerous mergers and acquisitions until eventually, she was ready for […]
After graduating with a degree in business administration, Karen McNish began searching for a way to set herself apart in the job market. Law school was her answer. She earned a legal degree and went into private practice as in estate planning, where much of her day was spent interacting with the bank near her […]
As a 12 year old boy, Andy Fabiano had an ambitious and entrepreneurial mindset. But he never thought that he would have a job that involved a suit or desk. He arrived at college as a music major intent on becoming a music teacher, but one finance class quickly changed his tune. His new found […]
The impact of wealth on successive generations is never far from Dana Hushak’s mind. Over a 30-year career in trusts, he has advised clients in every conceivable family dynamic. A common thread: “What will inheritance do for our kids, and what will it do to them?” And another: “What financial steps can we take that […]
With a hand in so many pies, Jennifer West could have run a successful bakery. Instead, she’s been a small business owner; adjunct professor at a community college; franchise owner; business development officer; school and community volunteer writ large; loving parent; and on and on. As the vice president and wealth advisor for a large […]
Steve McKiddy listened attentively as the president of Greenleaf Trust conveyed the wealth management firm’s core values. Steve’s phone pressed closely to his ear, yet what he heard spoke directly to his heart. Being honest and honorable; putting clients’ interests first; doing the right thing always, and setting things right if we err; prizing continuous […]
Beth Simon’s understanding of what it takes to win, and why some teams are better at it than others, was fostered early in life by loving parents and by her husband who believed luck is “when preparation meets opportunity.” That sentiment, put into practice through hard work over countless hours, paid off with Beth’s golf […]
Perry Wolfe wasn’t looking for change. He had a rewarding career in banking; engagement in economic initiatives to create jobs; leadership positions on not-for-profit boards; and lifelong involvement with local charities. His philosophy of leaving things better for those who follow was in full swing. So, when the bank expanded its opportunities through a merger, […]
Since earning his degree in sales and marketing years earlier, Jeff Hoekstra had played successful roles at Dominion Systems and Capital One Bank. He believed that knowledge is power, but that knowledge without action is useless. We had heard great things about Jeff , so when a business development position opened on our retirement plan […]
Personable and bright, Regina Jaeger, CTFA, is the ideal trust relationship officer to bring extraordinary client service back to Northern Michigan. But how? For clients of Greenleaf Trust, you see, extraordinary client service never went away. So Regina will set her sights on raising a high bar even higher by advising, serving, and meeting the […]
A resumé laden with good schools, a law degree and blue chip banks propelled Judy Grace in a steadily upward trajectory. Trust positions at Michigan National Bank, Standard Federal, LaSalle, Bank of America and Northern Trust resulted in greater responsibilities and loftier titles. But the higher she climbed, the greater the distance between Judy and […]
Wendy Cox could have cried. It would have been unusual to do so at such a happy moment, in the middle of her job interview. But there she was, listening to the company’s top executive articulating his expectation of employees. There were no catchphrases, and no business book themes du jour. There was, instead, a […]
When his application to the University of Michigan was wait-listed, then rejected, Nick Juhle was stunned. Unwilling to accept defeat, he wrote the admissions officer to ask if there’d been a mistake; after all, he was a stellar academic student and life-long Wolverine fan. A week later, a congratulatory letter of acceptance arrived. The lesson […]