Show you Care by Acting on the CARES Act

Given the growing needs of charitable organizations during this global health crisis, 2020 may present compelling planning opportunities to make immediate gifts of cash at a time when they are sorely needed. With the recently-enacted CARES Act, individuals may receive increased income tax benefits while helping charitable organizations. The CARES Act allows individuals who itemize […]

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Investing in Our Communities

I am happy to provide just a brief introduction to this article from our Executive Director of Development, Perry Wolfe, on investing in our communities. Rather than hear it from me, though, I wanted you to hear how important it is to Greenleaf Trust directly from him as he helps lead one of our community […]

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2020 Election Update

As the 2020 presidential and congressional elections come squarely into view, we offer our perspective on how best to navigate a likely period of intense news flow, market volatility, and at least some degree of uncertainty in the investment landscape. In this article, I will cover the state of the race – what we might […]

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October 2020 Perspectives Newsletter

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COVID-19 Highlights Need for Financial Literacy

COVID-19 has taken a lot from us; travel, impromptu in-person visits with family and friends and freedom to go to a concert, movie theatre or ball game with nary a thought. It has also made many of us anxious and fearful about today and our future and that of our families. While we are getting […]

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Please Remain Seated

It was the summer of 1985, and I had just graduated from high school. My Dad and I were headed to Cedar Point. We hadn’t been in years and this would be our last father daughter outing before I headed off to college. I couldn’t wait! I bragged to my friends that the first thing […]

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Adding Children’s Names to Assets – Don’t Do This Yourself

Parents will often add an adult child’s name to their bank accounts, home, and other assets, believing it will make it easier for the child to help them manage their finances and their property as they grow older. While this “do-it-yourself” approach is fairly common among aging parents, the truth is that adding your child’s […]

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Attaching a List of Tangible Personal Property to a Will

Many estate plans make use of a list that identifies items of tangible personal property that are to be allocated among designated beneficiaries on the owner’s death. The list is usually incorporated by reference into a Will or a Trust, such as: I may leave a list that is attached to this Will, and if […]

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Explaining $3.4 Trillion in About 1,000 Words

Where are we getting all this money? That’s the question I’ve heard over and over since COVID-19 caused the deepest recession since the 1930s. So far this year, Federal stimulus programs and lower tax receipts have increased the outstanding Federal debt by $3.4 trillion, from $23.2 to $26.6 trillion. In this article, I will try […]

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September 2020 Perspectives Newsletter

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The Importance of Cybersecurity in Today’s Digital Age

The internet is an amazing tool. It has provided us near instant access to a wealth of information at our fingertips. Not to mention, helping us to stay connected remotely during these unusual times. However, as more and more individuals do their banking, bill paying, shopping, etc., online, it also opens us up to greater […]

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Modern, Proactive Estate Planning For Today’s Families

The notion of a “traditional” family has certainly changed over time. The days of “Leave it to Beaver” are becoming less and less common. In fact, today, only about 35% of American families are comprised of a traditional heterosexual married couple with children. Apart from 35% that are labeled “traditional,” 31% are childless families and […]

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Life Insurance Needs Analysis

As we continue to navigate through these uncertain times, filled with new challenges and concerns, having a dynamic wealth management relationship with a professional advisor has never been more important. A good financial plan should cover every facet of financial planning including life insurance, which can be an important and foundational element to financial wellbeing. […]

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(Ir)rational Exuberance Redux?

In 1996, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan famously coined the phrase “irrational exuberance” during his speech at the American Enterprise Institute. Chairman Greenspan attempted to warn of highly elevated market valuations, particularly across much of the technology sector. Investors not only ignored his warning, but also drove the NASDAQ up another 300% before peaking on March […]

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Working From Home Culture

I recently read an interesting article titled Microsoft Analyzed Data On Its Newly Remote Workforce in Harvard Business Review. The article described what Microsoft learned over the last four months when they studied how flexible and adaptable their work might or might not be, how collaboration and networks morph in remote settings, what agility looks […]

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August 2020 Perspectives Newsletter

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IRA Spouse Beneficiaries and the New Law

While IRAs are common, flexible vehicles for retirement savings and great planning tools, the beneficiary distribution rules are complicated, and became even more so with the passage of the SECURE Act in December. IRAs often represent a significant portion of a person’s investment portfolio; naming the beneficiary or beneficiaries is an important decision and worthy […]

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Disciplined Investing in Distressing Times

What a change three months can bring. Back in April, Greenleaf Trust released a special Perspectives newsletter edition to address the rising concerns around COVID-19 and its impact on the economy and markets. At that time, domestic equity markets (as measured by the S&P 500) had experienced a 34% decline from market peaks on February […]

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Supporting Your Community in Times of Crisis

You have your favorite charities and you know the areas of the community on which you wish to make an impact, but in times of crisis and emergency are you ready to pivot and provide support to those most affected by the crisis? Have you thought about whether or not you would want to pivot? […]

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New Department of Labor e-Disclosure Rules

Since 2002, plan sponsors have been able to electronically furnish plan information and notices in relation to qualified retirement plans; however, electronic distribution was only allowable if the employee gave consent to agree to receive electronic communications. Also, if an employer determined electronic distribution was allowable on the basis of all employees having access to […]

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Establishing a Donor Advised Fund

A donor advised fund is, in effect, a charitable savings account. A donor advised fund permits an individual donor to make a donation without choosing a specific charity at the time the gift. The transfer of cash or assets to the donor advised fund sponsor permits the donor to claim an immediate income tax charitable […]

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Interesting Times

When we hosted 2020 outlook seminars in early January, the now-ubiquitous coronavirus didn’t even make the “other risks” section of the presentation. Instead, we discussed a late-cycle, though firmly-footed economy and a year likely to be shaped by things like the presidential election, US/China trade, and monetary and fiscal policy moves. When we delivered our […]

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Diversity and Inclusion at Greenleaf Trust

As you have heard from our founder and Chairman, William D. Johnston, making progress on elimination of institutional racism is indeed hard work and Greenleaf Trust in values, mission and deed is committed to that essential progress. There cannot be any distance between the values we express and our actions as a collective company. We […]

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July 2020 Perspectives Newsletter

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Returning to the Office Safely

As the world begins to re-open and re-define what it looks like to return to some sense of “normal,” there are many factors to consider. From a federal, state and local level, information is rampant and quickly changing to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. One thing has remained the same throughout, a focus on keeping […]

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Volatility in the Equity Market and the Role of Bonds

After reaching a high on February 19, COVID-19 and the decline in oil prices drove selling pressure on the Standard & Poor’s 500, leading to a 34% decline by March 23. Actions taken by the Federal Reserve Board and spending programs by the federal government have helped this equity market index climb by almost 36% […]

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An Introduction to Delaware Quiet Trusts

Given the current state of our environment, many estate plans have been accelerated, which could include creating and transferring assets into an irrevocable trust to benefit family members. For several reasons, grantors may worry about beneficiaries becoming aware of a trust. Delaware may be a venue to alleviate grantors’ fears. Traditionally, when someone is interested […]

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Pandemic Reveals Financial Wellness Programs a Necessity

Financial wellness, and the need for employee financial wellness programs, has increasingly gained attention in the past decade. Pre-COVID-19, offering a financial wellness program to employees was considered a value-added benefit, but the coronavirus pandemic suggests it is now an urgent necessity with a major emphasis on emergency savings. Simply put, financial wellness is the […]

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Durable Powers of Attorneys — Time for Some Limits?

A durable power of attorney is an important part of any estate plan. With a durable power of attorney, an attorney-in-fact (agent) can manage an individual’s (principal) financial affairs without the need for a probate court appointed conservator when the principal is either unable, or incapable, of making decisions. While a durable power of attorney […]

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Crude Thoughts on Oil Investments

While certainly taking a backseat to the COVID-19 pandemic, oil markets have garnered their share of attention of late. Excess supply and lack of demand have driven prices down more than 60% year-to-date, at one point even turning negative. Recent volatility has caused many to ask about the level of energy exposure in their investment […]

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June 2020 Perspectives Newsletter

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May 2020 Perspectives Newsletter

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Today’s World of College Savings and Student Loans

Undoubtedly, we have each endured a moment of fear over the last couple of months. Whether it be watching over your children, allowing your teen to take your car for the first time, worrying about catching a virus with no certain cure, or trying to keep your small business afloat during a pandemic; we want […]

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Actions to Avoid with Your Retirement Savings Amid COVID-19

Recently, investors have faced unprecedented times as the impact of COVID-19 on the economy continues. After a strong decade for US equity markets, it comes as no surprise that the market’s recent drop and continued volatility is unnerving and downright scary for many. Nevertheless, a key concept to investing in a retirement plan is to […]

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Long-Term Care, the Discussion No One Wants to Have

The recent coronavirus pandemic has brought nursing homes in the into the spotlight for the many challenges that the elderly face. Given medical advances, people in general are living longer and their families are tasked with the responsibility of providing the best care options for them. And yet, the discussion about how to pay for […]

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What’s in a Name (or Gender)?

One of the habits developed over four decades as an attorney was to skim the ‘legal notices’ section in the morning newspaper. While I no longer practice law, out of that habit I still look at the published legal notices. One that caught my eye a couple of weeks ago was a legal notice where […]

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Signing Estate Planning Documents Remotely – A New Normal?

With the uncertainty that the pandemic has brought to our current situation, many individuals have taken the time to review their estate planning documents and determined that they need to make some changes. The challenge that has presented itself during these trying times is that people have determined that they want to make changes to […]

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COVID-19: Where Are We Now?

About a month and a half ago on March 16, two things happened: 1) the S&P 500 dropped 12% and; 2) we hosted a conference call to discuss our outlook regarding COVID-19, the economic impact of containment efforts, and the market’s response. At the time, we knew with certainty that our nation’s experience with the […]

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Virtual Progress

It is my pleasure to introduce Perry Wolfe, who joined the Greenleaf Trust team in January as senior vice president, executive director of development. In collaboration with our business development and marketing teams, Perry will lead the strategy and growth for markets outside of Kalamazoo. The timing of Perry’s arrival is fortuitous given the challenges […]

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April 2020 Perspectives Newsletter

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CARES Act Retirement Plan Changes

On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) was signed into law. In addition to numerous financial incentives provided to individuals and business, the CARES Act provides some major retirement plan changes allowing plan participants access to their retirement savings as a financial resource in this time of crisis. Employers […]

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Wealth Management is Crisis Management

If you are like most, you’re experiencing quite a bit of anxiety right now as we grapple with a pandemic health crisis. The human, economic and market fallout are unnerving. Unfortunately, we know the headlines will get worse before they get better. Confirmed COVID-19 cases will grow exponentially, and dismal economic data resulting from the […]

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Is Your Estate Plan in Order?

The world suddenly changed with the COVID-19 pandemic. We have all had to learn a new skill called social distancing. Millions now work from their homes. Isolation is the new mainstream lifestyle, albeit not by choice. Consequently, any discussion about estate planning seems pretty superfluous in this time of crisis. However, if an individual is […]

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Money Market Funds Update

With all the market volatility lately, it is a little surprising that investors are concerned about the most stable part of their portfolios, their money market funds. We believe the concern has been driven by (1) a lack of knowledge about money market reforms instituted after the financial crisis, and (2) headlines in the financial […]

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Municipal and Corporate Bond Market Updates

There have been disruptive flows in fixed income markets in March. Investors are concerned about the state of the bond markets. This article will give our current thinking on the municipal and corporate bond markets. Municipal Bonds – Disruptive Outflows, Some Opportunities, & Pockets of Credit Concern Municipal bonds are generally considered lower-risk investments and […]

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COVID-19: The Disease, the Economy, and the Market

Please note: Throughout this article, we focus on the economic and market implications of the coronavirus, but we also acknowledge the significant humanitarian impact of the outbreak. Our hearts go out to those who have been directly affected and we wish you and your loved ones safety and health during this difficult time. What a […]

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Separately Connected

Each year, starting in September, we purposely engage our entire company in discussion about our long-term strategic plan. Specifically, we ask and answer the question – what do we need to do next year to take one step forward in being top of mind? Because our culture is so important to us, each year it […]

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Is Soft Dollar Remuneration a Conspiracy Theory?

Conspiracy theorists seem to lurk around every corner these days, imparting their less-than-logic-backed views and offering little evidence. The complex world of finance and managed assets provides ample opportunity for cynics and simpletons alike to assert similar claims — that institutions have rigged the system against them — often crying speculatively, “my broker makes more […]

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The Importance of Rebalancing

When it comes to retirement savings, most people know the basic principle: one should strive to save as much as they can, as early as they can. In addition, a high level of importance is placed on selecting the right combination of investments based on risk tolerance to assist in reaching one’s retirement income goals. […]

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mywealth by Greenleaf Trust

Welcome to the inaugural issue of mywealth tips, tricks, and tutorials! Greenleaf Trust offers multiple tools to enhance the client experience. Which one are we most excited about? mywealth! In this issue we’ll take a tour of the mywealth platform and how it plays a role in the management and implementation of your comprehensive wealth […]

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