There are dog people and there are cat people. There are some who love both and there are those who want nothing to do with either. Similarly, there are folks who love using our online reporting through TrustReporter, and others who prefer our more comprehensive online portal, MyWealth by Greenleaf Trust, and still others that don’t want anything to do with either one.

So, let’s put this on paws for a minute and address the hairball in the room (sorry, I couldn’t resist adding a bad pun or two to this analogy). Why does Greenleaf Trust have two online portals and what are the differences between the two? As a trust only bank, we require special reporting. TrustReporter has provided us with that access since before my time here at Greenleaf Trust. About four years ago, we decided that our clients wanted and needed a more holistic view of their financial picture, and we added MyWealth by Greenleaf Trust. But, much like the family dog that you have had for many years, it is hard to say goodbye to a trusty and reliable old friend. So dog-gone it, I am here today to explain the two systems and let you decide for yourself what works best for you.

Before we go any further, I want to point out that I have a dog and a cat, and I love them both. But I am a dog person. Like my preference over my four-legged friends, I also strongly prefer MyWealth by Greenleaf Trust. It is like man’s best friend, loyal and attentive. It is my pack and I am the alpha dog. As a pack, we cooperate and act together. Both travel well and can go with me wherever I go. However, they both require some “training and exercise” to be at their best.

If I’m barking up the wrong tree and you are a cat person, or you prefer TrustReporter, you are in good company. Cats are highly intelligent and less demanding. was our first online access point and has been a loyal companion for many years. If you are a long-time user, you will be happy to know that the system is getting a small facelift that will happen in two phases. The first phase will be the addition of two-factor authentication, which will go live on April 26. To enhance your online security, we will now be sending a passcode to verify your identity. This prevents anyone but you from accessing your account, even if they know your password. And guess what…no more security questions. You will no longer need to remember the name of your first pet! Sorry, kitty.

The second phase will happen on June 30 when enhancements will be made for improved functionality and a more intuitive user experience. There will be a new web address, so if you bookmark your login page, you will want to remember to update your bookmark to the new address. Don’t worry, we will send current users a reminder and instructions as the date gets closer.

Below is a side by side comparison of the two systems:

As you can see, both systems have solid features. As I mentioned before, my personal preference is MyWealth by Greenleaf Trust, given the data aggregation tools, digital vault and customizability. I love the way it allows me to link all of my accounts and it gives me a big picture view of my finances. But I will put my tail between my legs and admit that there is one thing that this system is missing. It doesn’t allow you to view your actual account statement. For that, you currently need to access TrustReporter. But quite honestly, it gives you all of the month end and year end data that you need, just not summarized in an actual statement. Is this purrfect? No. Are we working to close this gap? Most definitely.

If you haven’t gone online yet to view your accounts, don’t be a scaredy-cat, try it. You might find that you enjoy being able to access your information at the click of a button. You don’t have to decide which one you like better; dogs and cats live together in harmony and so do TrustReporter and MyWealth by Greenleaf Trust.