Planning Opportunities After the Secure Act

We have had a couple of months now to digest the implications of the SECURE Act and its end to the stretch distribution rule that benefited most individuals who inherit an IRA or 401(k) retirement account on the owner’s death. Rather than permit an individual designated beneficiary to take distributions from the inherited retirement account […]

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Proposed Changes to the Accredited Investor Rule

Late last year, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) attracted a lot of public attention when it issued a proposal to update the definition of an accredited investor. The definition relates to who can, and who cannot, invest in private, or unregistered, investment offerings. Registered securities, like publicly-traded stocks and bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs […]

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2020 Day of Caring

In the spirit of continuous improvement, each year we set out to identify ways that Greenleaf Trust could have an even greater impact on the communities in which we live and work. Our team currently serves on numerous non-profit and not-for-profit boards, partners financially with community impact firms through giving and fundraising efforts, and collectively […]

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March 2020 Perspectives Newsletter

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The Best We Have

Over the past 12 months, I have read many articles on the topic of CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) technology, and its potential medical uses. This subject is of particular interest because it is a developing genome editing technology that is controversial but yet shows great promise to treat cancers and other diseases. […]

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SECURE Act – What’s Changed?

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act, or SECURE Act, was officially approved by the Senate and signed by President Trump during the final weeks of 2019. While much has been written, discussed and debated about the merits of the new Act, it includes significant provisions that improve access to retirement accounts, prevent […]

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How to Think About Last Year’s Inverted Yield Curve

Regular readers of our Perspectives newsletter know that the investment research team at Greenleaf Trust focuses on leading indicators. One of the better-known leading indicators is the yield curve. In March 2019, the yield curve did something concerning to many investors, it inverted. This article will focus on historical yield curve inversions and highlight our […]

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Best and Brightest

Being recognized for something that you believe in and work hard at is meaningful. We work hard at helping our clients achieve their goals, and along the way exceeding their expectations. In order to do this, we need a talented, highly engaged team. Which means we also work hard at attracting the best of the […]

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February 2020 Perspectives Newsletter

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The SECURE Act’s Impact on Retirement Plans

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was enacted late last year with a January 1, 2020 effective date. It has been publicized as the most significant piece of legislation affecting the US retirement system in more than a decade, and will inevitably affect a majority of Americans saving for retirement. The […]

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Talk to Your Patient Advocate!

A durable power of attorney for health care, sometimes called an advance directive, is an important instrument that assures patient autonomy and ensures that a patient’s wishes with regard to their health care decisions and treatment will be followed. Overlooked, and sometimes misunderstood, is the right of autonomy of medical providers not to provide treatments […]

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A FAST Track to Keeping the Family Together

A significant amount of time is spent with clients focusing on their current wealth plan and discussing strategies for passing wealth to the next generations. Often, the more challenging conversations center on identifying clients’ qualitative goals for passing family values over generations and keeping the family together after the oldest generation dies. Our Senior Trust […]

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Higher Retirement Plan Contribution Limits for 401(k)s and More in 2020

The Social Security Administration (SSA) announced cost-of-living adjustments to the maximum amount of earnings that are subject to the Social Security tax, as well as a 1.6% increase to monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits. This is good news for the nearly 69 million Americans receiving benefits, though this is a modest number […]

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2019 Review and 2020 Outlook

What a difference a year makes. In our 2018 year-end seminar we recapped a period where almost every major asset class posted disappointing returns as investors grew increasingly concerned by the prospect of a global economic slowdown. To the pleasant surprise of most observers, 2019 unfolded as a year characterized by stronger-than-expected returns across most […]

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Happy New Year

Welcome to 2020 and the start of a new decade! As I sit at my desk writing my first article of the new year, the Kalamazoo office of Greenleaf Trust is relatively quiet. The hustle and bustle of wrapping up end of year matters ahead of year end deadlines has been replaced with a more […]

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January 2020 Perspectives Newsletter

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‘Tis the Season to Be Bunchy

December is a busy time of year…holiday parties, shopping for gifts, and family gatherings. It is also a busy time of year for charitable giving. In fact, approximately one-third of charitable gifts occur in the month of December. As an advisor, it is very enjoyable to see the generosity of clients in support of charitable […]

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Estate Planning in Low and High Interest Rate Environments

Some estate planning or wealth transfer strategies work well in a low interest rate environment, like the one we are in now, while others are more effective when rates are higher. It may be advantageous to implement those strategies that are most effective in a low interest rate environment now while preparing to implement other […]

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What It Means To Be a Fiduciary

The term fiduciary is used regularly in communications, but seldom do individuals actually know what it means to be a fiduciary. Often fiduciary refers to the role in which one serves another, such as the personal representative of an estate, a funeral representative, a conservator, a guardian, or the trustee of a trust. A deeper […]

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2019 Greenleaf Notables

It’s hard to believe that 2019 is almost over. Time sure does fly, and it seems even more so for me considering the late submission of this article. I ask forgiveness from our newsletter editor as it has been a busy year for Greenleaf Trust. By many measures, this has been a successful year for […]

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December 2019 Perspectives Newsletter

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Year-End Tax Planning Strategies

It’s hard to believe, but the end of 2019 is quickly approaching. For most Americans, the season is filled with time with family and friends, last minute online orders with the hope Amazon’s two day delivery doesn’t fail you now, and for those lucky enough to call Michigan home, dusting off the snow blower for […]

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Avoiding Probate with Proper Asset Titling

A common question I get asked by clients and prospects is, “How do I avoid probate?” Probate is the process that a state uses to settle the estate of a deceased person, referred to as the decedent. One of the main objections many people have with the probate process is that it often violates their […]

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Capital Gains Distributions: A Seasonal Affair

As the last vestiges of summer quickly fade, people throughout the region begin turning their attention to winter activities and the impending holiday season. Accompanying every change in seasons is a unique set of to-do items, and one such activity that Greenleaf Trust advisors actively anticipate this time of year is the emergence of annual […]

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The Advance

We believe diverse, critical thoughts and candid discussions are necessary components of the decision making process. Decisions at Greenleaf Trust are made with these components, especially when it comes to strategic decisions. And since the focal point of our strategic planning process is our Advance, diverse critical thoughts and candid discussions are required. Our Advance […]

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November 2019 Perspectives Newsletter

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Greenleaf Trust Scholarship Turns 20

We could not be more proud that the Greenleaf Trust Scholarship at the Haworth College of Business envisioned by our founder and Chairman, William D. Johnston, is turning twenty years old. We are so excited that we celebrated with cake at our annual reception honoring current and past scholarship recipients. The Greenleaf Trust Scholarship awards […]

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Dealing with Sudden Wealth

It is your wealth and you should be able to leave it to whomever you want on your death and in whatever fashion you consider appropriate. Most individuals intend that the purpose of their wealth, often transmitted by a trust, is to enhance the lives of their trust’s beneficiaries. Estate planning, however, focuses on when […]

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Philanthropy After the 2017 Tax Act

The long-term impact on philanthropy of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 remains unclear. While lower income taxes and eased income tax administration would seem to be desirable ends, one area that has raised concern is the effect these changes have on charitable giving, and the services that charities will be able to […]

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Super-Size Your Roth IRA

Comprehensive and insightful retirement planning advice will typically encourage you to fund an emergency savings account, maximize your annual contribution to your workplace 401(k), collect your employer’s match, contribute to a health savings account and fund a Roth IRA if you’re eligible. Once you’ve maximized your allowable contributions to these accounts, saving in an after-tax […]

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Easy For You To Say

Imagine you’re offered an investment. A prospective borrower explains the deal. You will loan them $101.00. In twenty years, the borrower promises to pay you back, but only $100.00. The borrower will not pay you any interest over the twenty years. Do you make the loan? I know what you’re thinking. “Of course not! If […]

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October 2019 Perspectives Newsletter

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US Federal Budget Deficit, Tax Rate Risk, and Your Retirement Savings

In a 1789 letter, Benjamin Franklin wrote, “our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” It makes one wonder if Mr. Franklin could have imagined the varied tax rates that would apply over the coming […]

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The “Do Nothing” Default

There are countless statistics proving that Americans have not traditionally saved enough prior to their retirement years. Even though total assets in retirement accounts have now breached $26 trillion, the average employee’s 401(k) balance rests around $100,000, which is a little light for 30-40 years of retirement. In an effort to assist with this well-documented […]

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Corporate Sustainability: The Climate is Changing

Private enterprise is often lauded for the speed at which it recognizes and addresses society’s needs. However, the seeming failure of the business community to recognize and respond to the climate crisis and other mounting sustainability challenges has caused some to question whether business will play a positive role in addressing environmental challenges. Below, we […]

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What Is Your Trust’s Material Purpose?

If you read the Michigan Trust Code (admittedly not a particularly riveting read!), you will frequently encounter the terms material purpose. A trust’s material purpose will guide a trustee in the administration of the trust. If a probate judge is called upon to interpret the trust instrument, or the judge is asked to order a […]

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The Certainty of Uncertainty

The ever quotable Yogi Berra, who brought us such philosophical gems as “when you come to a fork in the road, take it,” and “you can observe a lot just by watching,” is also credited with the insightful idiom that “predictions are difficult, especially when they’re about the future.” This difficulty in predicting the future […]

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Greenleaf Trust Core Values

Integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do are the core values that each Airman commits to when joining the Air Force. At Greenleaf Trust, we also have core values that all new team members make a commitment to before joining our team. Greenleaf Trust’s core values form the foundation of how […]

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The Doom Loop

The doom loop is the circle of vulnerability where a country’s banking system can be severely hurt by volatility in the price of the sovereign bonds they hold for reserves resulting in a contraction in lending provided by the banks.

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Keeping Your Retirement Plan Beneficiary Up to Date

When was the last time you reviewed your retirement account beneficiary election? Many people forget to update their beneficiary after important life events such as marriage or divorce. However, it is very important to ensure your retirement beneficiary information is current. Greenleaf Trust makes updating your beneficiary information easy by offering an online option to […]

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In late May 2019, with bipartisan support, the House of Representatives passed the SECURE Act (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act) by a vote of 417-3. This legislation, if passed, is likely to have an impact on workers, retirees, and heirs. The SECURE Act aims to improve the nation’s retirement system by providing […]

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Greenleaf Trust Book Club

Do you remember writing book reports in school? I often felt the structure of the specific questions, required formatting, and deadlines associated with the report took away from the enjoyment of actually reading the book. The joy in reading for me has always been the creative thoughts inspired by the content of the book, not […]

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July 2019 Perspectives

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Servant Leadership

It seems fitting to me that a man whose last name was Greenleaf first coined the term “servant leader” in 1970. Robert Greenleaf’s concept was that a servant leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of […]

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Mid-Year Market Review

In our 2018 year-end seminar we recapped a period where almost every major asset class posted disappointing returns as investors grew increasingly concerned by the prospect of a global economic slowdown. We also provided our outlook for the key themes we expected to influence markets in the near- term, and the capital market assumptions shaping […]

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Employer Review of Retirement Plan Benefit

What employers can do to help employees to utilize benefits as they near and enter retirement. For many years, you have helped employees save for their retirement by offering an employer sponsored retirement plan benefit. You have encouraged savings through ensuring education sessions were held, individual consultations were available, and maybe even set up automatic […]

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Topics for Your Nonprofit Committee Meetings

Volatility in the financial markets has increased, and the returns that we expect from equity and fixed income markets globally are lower than over the recent market cycles. What are the topics that should be on the meeting agenda for the Finance and Investment Committees for nonprofits? Sustainable Spending Rates One of the more difficult […]

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Repurposing Life Insurance Policies

Over the decades many families purchased life insurance, either to act as an income replacement vehicle when the breadwinner died, or to provide immediate liquidity to pay federal estate taxes on the breadwinner’s death. With the 2017 Tax Act’s temporarily doubled federal estate tax exemption amount to $11.4 million per individual, many believe that they […]

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Partnerships for Impact – the Nonprofit Perspective

A strong nonprofit sector is critical to the success of any community. Yet, there is an inherent power dynamic that enters many of the conversations between funders and the potentially fund-receiving nonprofits which can hinder the development of open and trusting relationships. To truly provide impactful support to our community, funders must recognize this dynamic […]

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June 2019 Perspectives

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