The Doors are Open

As of June 22, 2021, the state of Michigan has been opened to full capacity! In addition, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) have also recently rescinded their COVID-19 Emergency Rules. As a result, Greenleaf Trust will be moving to Phase II of […]

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June 2021 Perspectives Newsletter

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Your Next Financial Milestone

There are few thrills in life that can compare with turning 16 and getting your driver’s license. It’s often the first true sense of independence and freedom that many experience. For me, cruising down the road, windows rolled down, parentless, in a 1992 Pontiac Grand Am was truly unforgettable. Before I could even figure out […]

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SECURE Act 2.0: Retirement Security is Again on the Congressional Agenda

Americans saw a number of changes to their retirement savings plans when the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act, or the SECURE Act, was passed two years ago. Get ready for more. The House Ways and Means Committee recently voted unanimously to advance a second bill, the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of […]

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Key to a Successful Family Loan—Document, Document, Document

With interest rates so low, intra-family loans (also referred to as family loans), using current low interest rates, have garnered significant interest for the purpose of wealth transfer to complement a holistic estate plan. While the majority of the conversation in recent years has focused on wealth transfer as the purpose of a family loan, […]

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Cycles and Rotations – Are We Talking Spin Studios or Financial Markets?

Optimism abounds as we approach the summer months, with a return to pre-pandemic life appearing closer than ever. Economic optimism has also returned as businesses have reopened their doors and individuals have reentered the labor force. Consumer confidence is near all-time highs with the US personal saving rate remaining well above pre-pandemic levels. Not long […]

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Coming Back to the Office

It seemed appropriate that on my drive into the office this morning I heard the song “Human Touch” by Bruce Springsteen. The song’s lyrics took on a broader meaning for me as I reflected on the last 14 months. During that time, Greenleaf Trust team members have been working remotely. That has meant long hours […]

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May 2021 Perspectives Newsletter

At the time of this writing, 145,000,000 Americans have received at least one vaccination shot against COVID-19, representing 43% of the population. Ninety-one million people, or 29% of our population, are now fully vaccinated. The temporary pause in the Johnson & Johnson vaccinations caused an 11% reduction in the five day average daily inoculation rate; […]

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Knowing the Plan Today for What Will Happen Tomorrow

“Conventional estate planning focuses most of the attention on assets rather than family. Structures and strategies emphasize tax savings over family needs. The planning perspective needs more focus on protecting the family as opposed to protecting assets or preserving wealth.” -George Bearup, Senior Trust Advisor at Greenleaf Trust The philosophy of protecting the family while […]

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Financial Literacy Month

April was Financial Literacy Month. Financial Literacy Month is a nationally recognized month created with a goal of improving financial literacy in America. As a financial organization with a holistic approach to wealth management, we want to ensure that financial wellness is at the forefront of all our client’s minds, from our family office and […]

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Trusts and Divorce

One of the frequently mentioned benefits of a trust is to protect the trust’s assets from a beneficiary’s creditor claims. While many trust beneficiaries do not have creditor problems, many of those same trust beneficiaries are married, and nationwide statistics show that about 50% of marriages end in divorce. One question that frequently arises is […]

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The Siren Song of Selling Bonds to Buy Dividend Stocks

Interest rates currently remain near all-time lows. Recently, clients have been inquiring about selling lower-yielding bonds & purchasing higher-yielding dividend-paying stocks instead. This article will debunk the myth that dividend-paying stocks are less risky than other stocks and will explain our thinking about why investors should probably avoid the siren song of high dividend stocks, […]

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A New Opportunity to Serve

Purposeful Growth is an integral component of our long-term strategic plan. Our growth is purposeful because it must involve continuously improving our service and capabilities to existing clients while seeking opportunities to serve new clients. Growing just to become bigger is a fool’s game. Over the years, we have found opportunities to purposely grow in […]

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May 2021 Economic Commentary

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Celebrating Financial Literacy Month

Did you know that April is financial literacy month? You may be asking yourself, what exactly is “financial literacy”? Financial literacy is often defined as “the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing.” You may be wondering how financial literacy is related to retirement planning. Simply, […]

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Estate Planning: A Thoughtful Approach to Tangible Property

With proper estate planning, the big-ticket items like real estate, valuable artwork, and heirloom jewelry are often addressed directly in the estate planning documents. Some of the most argued-about items during the estate settlement process are often not over money or items of monetary value. The disagreements often stem from claims to personal property or […]

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Asset Returns and Spending Rates

The financial markets provided strong returns in 2020, despite the staggering human and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The strong returns and the resulting increase in endowment values have been beneficial to many nonprofits, which continue to see a heightened demand for their essential support services. As the disease has come under greater control, […]

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Don’t be Fooled by the Spread

Here is a quiz for our readers. Currently, credit spreads on 1-10 year corporate bonds are 81 basis points, meaning, yields on these bonds are 0.81% higher than on comparable Treasury bonds. Will these corporate bonds outperform Treasury bonds by roughly 0.81% over the next year? If history is our guide, the answer is actually […]

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Hitting the Wall

After a miserable February in Michigan, I felt like all of us at Greenleaf Trust needed some acknowledgement of where we have been and some encouragement regarding the way forward. Below is an excerpt from what I wrote to our team and I am sharing it here with the idea that we can all benefit […]

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April 2021 Economic Commentary

Evidenced by the spring break crowds as well as daily airline passenger totals, it is clear people are experiencing real COVID-19 fatigue and are increasing their appetite for risk. Further evidence is the infection rate among younger individuals that helps to explain increased case rates and hospitalizations. Fortunately, duration of stays in hospitals have been […]

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April 2021 Perspectives Newsletter

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March 2021 Perspectives Newsletter

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A Look Back and a Look Forward on the CARES Act

A lot of speculation has swirled around what COVID-19 would do to retirement plan balances. The speculation was driven in part by the frequent and broad sweeping changes that were made to retirement plan regulations in an effort to help participants and employers stay afloat in 2020. While the pandemic has taken a toll on […]

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This is Not Your Grandparents’ Retirement: Baby Boomers are Re-writing the Rules

The concept of retirement is in the midst of an incredible transformation. The notion that retirement is a time to end one’s career and pursue a life of leisure is becoming increasingly anachronistic. As United States life expectancies have increased — from 55 in 1920, to 70 in 1960, to 79 today — the length […]

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Fur What It’s Worth

There are dog people and there are cat people. There are some who love both and there are those who want nothing to do with either. Similarly, there are folks who love using our online reporting through TrustReporter, and others who prefer our more comprehensive online portal, MyWealth by Greenleaf Trust, and still others that […]

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Denying Access to Vulnerable Adults

The past several months have provided a series of tragic stories of family members being denied access to a loved one who was shuttered in a nursing home or hospital due to the pandemic’s quarantine. The denial of access to a loved one who is alone and isolated causes everyone to suffer. Yet the denial […]

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SPAC to the Future

Among the countless adaptations that businesses made in 2020 was the seismic shift in how many privately-owned companies chose to go public. In lieu of following the traditional initial public offering (IPO) process, which is marred by regulatory hurdles and uncertain pricing, many firms opted to enter the public market via special purpose acquisition companies. […]

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Actively Tackling Taxes Through Passive Investing

We recently conducted a seminar titled “How to Powerlift Your Tax Alpha.” The seminar is available on our website, but I wanted our research team to provide some insight into exactly what we are doing to generate higher after-tax returns in client portfolios. Here’s what they had to say: In order for active managers to […]

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February 2021 Perspectives Newsletter

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Participant Communication Advances with Use of Modern Technology

Participant Communication Advances with Use of Modern Technology During a time when retirement plan participants are increasingly relying on online resources to access account information, a new rule from the Department of Labor (DOL) that greatly expands plan sponsors ability to deliver plan information by email or text couldn’t come at a better time. While […]

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Financial Resolutions for 2021

Financial Resolutions for 2021 In preparation for the start of the year, many engaged in the annual ritual of making New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, approximately 80% of people who make New Year’s resolutions will have abandoned them by the second week of February. With January already in the books, your eagerness to follow through on […]

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Death and Taxes

As Benjamin Franklin wrote at the founding of our country, “nothing in this world can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” With each change in the make-up of Congress, what to do with the estate tax is an issue that is inevitably raised. The two major components of the estate tax are […]

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Are you Hyper About Hyperinflation?

Many Greenleaf Trust clients remember watching economist Milton Friedman’s 10-part public television series “Free to Choose” which aired in 1980. As one of the most prominent and influential economists of the era, Mr. Friedman’s views shaped public opinion about the economy. Two of Mr. Friedman’s quotes have been on our clients’ minds lately: “Inflation is […]

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The GameStop Phenomenon

It seems these days that there are a number of battles being waged out in the world. And, in our information society news travels fast and from many different directions. Fast and prolific enough that it can oftentimes be confusing. When my 13-year-old neighbor asked me about buying a stock he learned about from a […]

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Required Testing in Qualified Retirement Plans and Solutions to Consider

This time of year retirement plan providers are gearing up to complete the annual Actual Deferral Percentage (ADP) tests for qualified retirement plans. This test in particular can be very impactful to certain plan participants. This is a non-discrimination test for 401(k) plans mandated by the IRS to ensure that a plan does not unduly […]

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January 2021 Perspectives Newsletter

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Estate Plans Are Not “Set It and Forget It”

If the title of this article caught your eye, you likely have spent time, energy and resources establishing a thoughtful estate plan. You have presumably run through a variety of questions and scenarios with your estate planning attorney. You understand the importance of structuring your estate plan appropriately for your family and your financial situation. […]

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COVID-19 Prompts Us to Update Planning Documents

The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it the sudden reality-check of our own incapacity and mortality. We all now pause to ask the rhetorical questions: Who possesses the authority to pull the plug if I am in an irreversible coma? Who handles my finances if I am in an extended hospital stay recovering from COVID-19? How […]

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2020 Review and 2021 Outlook

When we hosted 2020 outlook seminars last January, the coronavirus didn’t even make the “other risks” section of the presentation. By March, all bets were off and it was clear that our experience with the virus and the economic implications of containment efforts would get significantly worse before getting better. The shock to the economy […]

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Select, Develop, and Grow

Although it doesn’t show up on our balance sheet, at Greenleaf Trust our greatest asset is our team of talented people who we often refer to internally as “Greenleafians.” Our unique culture would not exist without them. And that is why we invest so much in their selection, development, and growth. We are a talent-based […]

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Planning Opportunities for a Biden-Harris Presidency

2020 has been the year of unprecedented actions and unknowns. The presidential election has followed suit in its unpredictability thus far. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been announced as winners of the 2020 election by the major news networks. As of today, the projected total electoral votes are 306 for Biden-Harris and 232 for […]

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Lifetime Versus Testamentary Gifts

We are in the midst of a traditional season of gifting and though it looks different, as do many things in 2020, we are still able to enjoy some of our favorite traditions and perhaps create a few new ones this year, as well. Often overlooked in our gift giving are the benefits and drawbacks […]

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Cost-of-Living Adjustments for 2021 to Retirement Plans and More

The Social Security Administration (SSA) announced key numbers that affect workers and retirees for 2021 – a substantial increase in the taxable wage base for workers and a minimal increase in benefits for retirees. The Social Security Wage Base, which is the maximum amount of earnings subject to Social Security tax, will rise 3.7% to […]

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Capital Gains Distributions: Ballast Amidst Uncertainty

The multiplicity of 2020 cataclysms notwithstanding, the year-end remittance of capital gain distributions by mutual funds is both predictable and well prepared for by the financial advisors at Greenleaf Trust. These distributions, which typically begin in late November and continue through mid-December, are nontraditional in the sense that fund investors can realize a tax liability […]

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Looking Forward to 2021

I thought the title to this month’s newsletter article appropriate mostly because we are all thinking it after a challenging 2020. We just finished up our annual strategic planning process which culminates with our Advance and company-wide Strategic Planning meeting. And, we have a lot to look forward to in 2021. Our Advance is an […]

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December 2020 Perspectives Newsletter

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Pondering the Post-Election Debt Markets

Greenleaf Trust has written and spoken a fair amount about the 2020 U.S. election. If you pay attention, you know that we do not advise speculating with your portfolio on the outcome. In his last article, our Director of Investment Research, Nick Juhle wrote: “Your investment objectives have a longer life than politicians and election […]

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November 2020 Perspectives Newsletter

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‘Tis the Season…

We are quickly approaching the end of 2020, and like most, frantically preparing for a season filled with friends, family, and festivities. This year might have a different twist, but the preparation likely remains the same. Like most Michiganders, it’s that time of year where we confirm our Amazon accounts are set-up for two-day shipping […]

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Giving Made Easy

The gift of a remainder interest in a personal residence or a farm to a charity entitles the donor to an immediate charitable income tax deduction which can be used of off-set taxable income, or keep the donor in a marginally lower income tax bracket. The Tax Code regulates the form and type of charitable […]

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