Restoring the Benefits of SALT

Workaround clears the road for select Michigan business owners. During the final weeks of 2021, Michigan joined a growing number of states in adopting State And Local Tax (SALT) parity reforms. Governor Whitmer signed a bill into law December 20 that creates an election for owners of pass-through entities with Michigan-sourced income to pay state […]

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The Dead Hand: Can Conditional Bequests Work?

Bequests that are subject to a condition or contingency are often referred to as “dead hand” control. They are often used to incent beneficiaries or to change unacceptable behaviors. A bequest to a beneficiary that is subject to a condition that the beneficiary must abide by the condition or forfeit the bequest is often used […]

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How Investment Paradoxes Impact Decision Making

Active equity managers face many investment paradoxes. Markets are inherently volatile and can be irrational. Long-term consensus expectations are often misestimated, all of which should create inefficiencies in security prices. And yet, most active managers fail to outperform their respective benchmarks. As Senior Equity Portfolio Manager, I’m specifically responsible for the Intrinsic Value Strategy, an […]

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What to Expect Your First Day at Greenleaf Trust

Remember starting your first job as an adult in the “real world?” You were excited, nervous, and wanted to make a big impression on day one. The problem was you were not exactly sure who everyone was nor what you were supposed to be doing. Our growth and commitment to client service has required the […]

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High Earners – To Roth 401(k) or Not?

How can I get more money into my retirement plan? As a relationship manager for numerous retirement plans, I regularly receive this question from business owners and other highly compensated employees (HCEs). These same individuals are often surprised to learn there are no income restrictions on Roth 401(k) or Roth 403(b) dollars, unlike the income […]

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Survey Says…

Continuous improvement is one of Greenleaf Trust’s core values – it is a pillar of our culture and has become part of our DNA. Every tangible improvement we have made on behalf of our clients stems from a disciplined review of our practices. As we look for opportunities to serve our clients better, we begin […]

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January 2022 Perspectives Newsletter

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Trust-Based Philanthropy

I’m encouraged by a conversation topic that seems to be coming up more and more regarding philanthropy, trust-based philanthropy. It’s not a new topic, but one that has and will take time to become the norm. As with most changes, it is understood and adopted at varying rates and levels of engagement. For the sake […]

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Encourage Participation in your Retirement Plan through an Automatic Contribution Arrangement

Increasingly popular methods to raise employee participation in defined contribution retirement plans are various “automatic” features. These include auto-enrollment, auto-escalation, and automatically diversified qualified default investment alternatives (QDIAs). Let’s explore the opportunities auto-enrollment, in particular, affords plan sponsors. There are three forms of auto-enrollment, or automatic contribution arrangements (ACAs). Basic Auto Enrollment (ACA) Participants are […]

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The Dreaded Death Tax – On Its Own Deathbed?

For much of 2021, there was plenty of angst expressed in the news with regard to the potential reduction of an individual’s federal unified gift and estate tax exemption amount. That exemption, $11.7 million per individual in 2021, was regularly threatened by several bills filed in Congress to reduce the exemption to a much lower […]

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2021 Review and 2022 Outlook

Back in July, we published our 2021 mid-year market review. Having hosted a virtual year-in-review seminar in January, the article highlighted how much changed in the first six months of 2021. An increasingly vaccinated population rediscovered a sense of normalcy. The optimists in all of us were ready to declare victory and move on, but […]

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A Little Recognition

We believe meaningful recognition should be appropriate and deserved. It should be acknowledgement for a job well done. At the end of the year, we announced the following 20 promotions. These were teammates from throughout the organization who successfully executed customized purposeful growth plans with their coaches. Promotions are always based on merit at Greenleaf […]

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Equity Compensation

With the end of 2021 around the corner, many individuals who work at both publicly traded and private companies may find themselves in a position where their employers have given them opportunity to receive equity compensation as part of their benefits package. There are two basic types of equity compensation – options and grants. Under […]

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The Greenleaf Trust Gift Guide

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was passed by the House of Representatives on November 5 and signed into Law by President Biden on November 15, 2021. It’s approximately 2700 pages long and includes $1.2 trillion of spending into broad infrastructure improvements. The bill has bipartisan support. In fact, it passed the Senate by a […]

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Capital Gains Distributions: Same Principle, Same Tax Rate?

As fall gives way to winter, families across the nation turn their attention to holiday festivities, football, and the coming of a new year. Similarly, financial advisors and tax experts at Greenleaf Trust spend this time preparing for year-end capital gains distributions. While this annual tradition may largely go unnoticed by those outside of the […]

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The Plan for 2022

I thought navigating 2021 would be a lot easier when we started. After all, what could be more difficult than 2020? I was wrong. Although we will have had our most successful year in the history of our company, it seemed like the rules and guidelines were always changing. Are we still in the pandemic, […]

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IRS Announces Retirement Plan and Other Benefit Limitations for 2022

The IRS recently announced contribution and benefit limits for qualified retirement plans effective January 1, 2022. Thanks to a higher-than-normal annual inflation rate of 5.4%, the IRS is allowing taxpayers to contribute up to $20,500 to a 401(k) or similar workplace retirement plan.This is a $1,000 boost from the $19,500 contribution limit for this year. […]

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December Perspectives Newsletter

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November Perspectives Newsletter

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Secure Your New Home with an Asset Based Line of Credit

Background Cash has always been king when purchasing a home, especially in today’s hot housing market. Being able to purchase a home with cash can give you a significant advantage over the other potential buyers. The ability to purchase a home in cash is not feasible for many people without having to draw from their […]

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Using a GRIP in Anticipation of the Transfer Tax Sunset

While the 2017 Tax Act effectively doubled the federal transfer tax exemption per person, it also provided that the lower transfer tax exemption would automatically drop beginning in 2026. That scheduled sunset of the higher federal transfer tax exemption has produced among many wealthy individuals a “use-it-or-lose-it” mindset when it comes to estate planning these […]

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Tax Planning in a Year of Uncertainty

Much has been written this year about potential changes to tax law in 2021 and many across the country are trying to divine just what exactly Congress will accomplish before December 31, 2021. I will not use this space to add another voice attempting to make that prediction because the real answer is: none of […]

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The Long & Short of the Labor Shortage

There has been no shortage of explanations offered for the United States’ current labor shortage. In this article, we will play judge and jury on several of the common narratives about the labor market. Are people staying home due to more generous government support programs? Are previously-working moms staying home due to childcare disruptions? Are […]

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Social Security Benefits Getting a Big Boost in 2022

Americans receiving Social Security benefits in 2022 will see the biggest increase in four decades, according to the latest news from the Social Security Administration. The 5.9% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will impact approximately 70 million Americans receiving Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). This is the largest increase since 1982 and is expected to […]

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Scary Times

Halloween is just behind us and it’s scarier than ever out there. Consider these fear factors: The damage caused by cybercrime reached $4.2 billion in 2020. (IC3,2020) The average cost of a data breach on remote work is about $137,000 per attack. (IBM,2020) In 2020, malware increased by 358% overall and ransomware increased by 435% […]

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October Perspectives Newsletter

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HSAs, an Attractive Complement to Traditional Retirement Plans

Business owners and highly-compensated executives often want to know how they can get more money into their company-sponsored retirement plan. It is common for plans to be designed to assist the high earners of companies with achieving their ultimate goal of ensuring they have a large nest egg of qualified tax dollars at their retirement. […]

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Planning for an Uncertain Future in a World of Tax Reform

“Anything is possible,” were the iconic words spoken by former Boston Celtic, Kevin Garnett, upon clinching Game 6 of the 2008 NBA Finals against the Los Angeles Lakers. At Greenleaf Trust, we would love to be able to peer into a crystal ball and tell you exactly how things will turn out, but we simply […]

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Proposed Tax Reform and Philanthropy

If you’re like most people, you give to charity because you want to make an impact on the world or support a cause you care about. But how much and when you give is typically a financial decision. Tax incentives may help you to give more than you could otherwise and provide even more resources […]

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By the Time You Read This, Everything Will Have Changed

It’s highly likely that by the time you’re reading this, the US Congress will have spent the final week of September 2021 debating two momentous spending bills: the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a budget reconciliation bill (what is being called the “Build Back Better Act”), not to mention a $1.6 trillion continuing resolution to […]

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An Update on Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Journey

Greenleaf Trust is taking great strides to examine diversity, equity, and inclusion — both within the organization itself and the communities we serve. We are always looking for ways to give back, change our actions to be better and more inclusive and to provide opportunities for our team members to uphold the same expectations. We […]

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October 2021 Perspectives Newsletter

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Back-Door and Mega Back-Door Roth Reminders

Several articles within Perspectives have been written about Roth planning techniques. Taking advantage of Roth contribution strategies remains a good financial planning strategy as individuals consider higher income taxes that they may face in their retirement years. As a result, more attention than ever is being given to Roth IRAs, Roth 401(k)s, Roth conversions, as […]

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Don’t Let That Unused Estate Tax Exemption Go to Waste

The basic federal estate tax exclusion amount (often referred to as the estate exemption) is the amount a person can pass to their heirs tax-free through lifetime gifting or at death. Currently, the exclusion is $11.7 million per person, which means a married couple can pass a combined $23.4 million to their heirs without any […]

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Evolution Of Education Debt

The facts are astounding. The figure now exceeds 43 million student borrowers, who are in debt by an average of $39,351 each. In an effort to attain a bachelor’s degree, the average public university student borrows at least $30,000. And now, the largest it has ever been, the outstanding Federal Loan Portfolio of $1.56 trillion […]

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Are Quiet Trusts Coming to Michigan?

One of the fundamental duties of a trustee is to keep beneficiaries reasonably informed with regard to the trust’s existence and administration. That could be soon changing in Michigan. The Michigan Trust Code imposes broad disclosure requirements on a trustee. Specifically, the Michigan Trust Code provides that a trustee must keep a qualified trust beneficiary […]

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China – A New Beginning or More of the Same

Taking financial markets by surprise, Chinese authorities announced that the ride-hailing platform, Didi, was to be banned from app stores in China. This effectively severed the company’s ability to add new users within the country. Didi, the Chinese equivalent to Uber, received this unwelcome news just two days after going public on the New York […]

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Settling Our Estate

Recently updating our estate plan made me think about the actual implementation of the plan. After all, successful plans require attention and thoughtful execution. Do we want to burden our boys with it? If so, should we? Our plan isn’t complicated, but will they actually know what to do? How long will it take? How […]

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September 2021 Perspectives Newsletter

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SLATs: Not Something You Buy at Home Depot

Estate planning is rich with acronyms and can make you feel as though you are searching for an item within the vastness of a Home Depot store. Uncertainty looms as you roam the many aisles looking for the item. Even after you locate what you need, it can be challenging and frustrating to finish your […]

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It’s That Time of Year – Government Form 5500 Filing

The IRS requires that retirement plan sponsors file a Form 5500 by the end of the seventh month following the close of the previous plan year. Thus, if a plan is operating on a calendar year, the form would be due on July 31. However, in 2021, July 31 is a Saturday; when that date […]

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State Fiduciary Income Tax Savings – Delaware Trusts

A fundamental goal in creating an irrevocable trust is to minimize the effect of taxes on trust assets. Besides shielding trust assets from estate, gift and/or generation-skipping taxes, creating an irrevocable trust can also shelter it from state income taxes. Establishing an irrevocable trust in Delaware allows trust assets to potentially grow free of state […]

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A New Home for Research

As you know, we are extremely proud of our research team at Greenleaf Trust. Our 12-person in-house investment research team is led by Nick Juhle, Senior Vice President and Director of Research, and includes professionals from diverse backgrounds specializing in portfolio construction, manager selection, equity research, fixed income research, alternative investments, and trading. Seven members […]

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August 2021 Perspectives Newsletter

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July 2021 Perspectives Newsletter

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Lesson Learned: Be Prepared

What a year this has been! Life can be challenging enough without adding a pandemic to the mix. The sense of relief as life begins to return to ‘normal’ feels so good after such a long, unexpected time. Not only is this a good time to reflect on all we have to be grateful for, […]

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Partnering for Success – Fiduciary Role

Offering a high-quality qualified retirement plan, especially in a tight labor market, helps attract and retain talent. Along with offering employees a retirement benefit, employers hold an important fiduciary role to keep the plan in good order through plan administration and following regulatory compliance. Ignoring fiduciary responsibilities may lead to penalties from the Internal Revenue […]

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Asset Location, Location, Location!

Often in real estate we hear the mantra: location, location, location. The repeated statement suggests value varies based on the location in which the real estate resides. A similar phenomenon occurs in investing and is referred to as Asset Location. The placement or location of your investments can ultimately provide tax-efficiency and enhanced after-tax returns […]

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Treating Children Equally – Hidden Inequities

Parents often treat their children the same when it comes to distributions of their estate in order to avoid conflict or claims of undue influence. While well intentioned, sometimes parents overlook the fact that distributing their estate equally among their children can still cause their children to feel that they were treated neither equally nor […]

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2021 Mid-Year Market Review

In January, Chairman Bill Johnston and I delivered a 2021 outlook seminar via live stream from a studio in Grand Rapids. Six months later, the world is a different place as an increasingly vaccinated population rediscovers a sense of normalcy. It is too early to call this a post-Covid era, but the narrative is now […]

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