Qualified Charitable Distributions and Charitable Designations

Take-Away: While there are many good tax and philanthropic reasons for clients over the age of 70 ½ to make charitable gifts using their traditional IRAs,  a couple of unanswered questions linger with regard to the implementation of that  qualified charitable distribution strategy. Background on Qualified Charitable Distributions: You know from prior ‘missives’ that a […]

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State Taxation of Trusts

Take-Away: Several state income tax statutes are now being successfully attacked in courts across the nation on the grounds that the imposition of the state income tax is a violation of the Constitution’s Due Process Clause. As such, there exists the need to spend a bit more time selecting the administrative situs of an irrevocable […]

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Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts

Take-Away: Despite the dramatic increase in the federal estate tax exemption amount it is probably premature to advise an individual to terminate an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) as no longer necessary Tax laws continue to change and a trust provides far greater protection against judgment creditor claims that a trust beneficiary may face. Background: […]

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“Fixing” a See-Through Trust

Take-Away: When an IRA or retirement account is made payable to an irrevocable trust, the goal is to assure that the trust satisfies the IRS’ see-through rules so that the oldest individual trust beneficiary’s life expectancy can be used to determine the taxable required minimum distributions that the trustee must take from the retirement account. […]

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Durable Powers of Attorney and Retirement Plans

Take-Away: It comes as no surprise that much of our client’s wealth these days is now tied up in IRAs (traditional, Roth, SEP and SIMPLE) as well as in 401(k) accounts. Control of these retirement assets, by default, passes to a conservator, or agent acting under a durable power of attorney, if the retirement asset […]

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IRAs and Community Property

Take-Away: To confirm our short telephone conversation of this morning, the tax laws pertaining to IRAs and qualified plan benefits can be a bit confusing, but in general,  community property laws are ignored when it comes to distributions from IRAs that hold community property interests. Qualified Plans: Community property rules do not affect the income […]

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Primer on U.S. Taxation of Non-Citizens

Take-Away: The U.S. subjects its citizens to U.S. federal income tax and transfer tax on their worldwide income and assets.  But the U.S. distinguishes between a U.S. citizen and a non-U.S. citizen, resident or non-resident, for  U.S. taxation purposes. Not all resident non-U.S. citizens can escape U.S. federal income and transfer taxes on their worldwide […]

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Trust Beneficiary Claims Personal Residence Exemption (PRE)

Take-Away: The Michigan Court of Appeals held this past June that a trust beneficiary who occupies a residence held in the name of the trustee can have the residence qualify for the Personal Residence Exemption (PRE) for Michigan real property tax assessment purposes. Source: Breakey v. Michigan Department of Treasury, Michigan Court of Appeals (June […]

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Qualified Charitable Distributions – Checklist

Take-Away: I was asked to prepare a short ‘checklist’ to follow to determine if an individual can take advantage of the qualified charitable distribution. The qualified charitable distribution can satisfy the individual’s required minimum distribution (RMD) for the calendar year, which in turn reduces their federal income tax liability for the year. A qualified charitable […]

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Discretionary Distribution Terms – Redux

Take-Away: A helpful reminder is that state law determines a property interest, while the federal law determines how to tax those property interests. Words used in the Tax Code may have a much different meaning when those same words are used in a trust’s discretionary distribution provision.   Background: Considerable time is spent looking that […]

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