Life Insurance – New Transfer for Value Reporting

Take-Away: The IRS recently published proposed new Regulations with regard to reporting obligations with regard to the sale of a life insurance contract which are intended to define how much of a life insurance death benefit is to be reported as taxable income. Background: One complicated area of the Tax Code is with regard to […]

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Administering a Non-Grantor Trust

Take-Away: There is a lot of talk these days about using non-grantor (irrevocable) trusts in response to the 2017 Tax Act, either to create multiple (trust) taxpayers that each can exploit the $10,000 annual SALT deduction, or to fragment and report business income which then enables each trust to claim the IRC 199A qualified business […]

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Discretionary Trusts: What to Look For

Take-Away: When you review a proposed discretionary trust, there are several key provisions or definitions to look for when you conduct that review to avoid second-guessing the settlor’s intent. A trust’s discretionary distribution provision should give clear guidance to the trustee when asked to make a distribution, while at the same time clearly identify the […]

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Trust Directors

The following is the short ‘checklist’ that I mentioned this morning, to be used when reviewing a trust instrument that contains a ‘trust director’ (formerly a ‘trust protector.’) Key Phrase Used?:The language used in the Michigan Directed Trust Act is “the trustee is subject to a power of direction.“We should make sure that this phrase […]

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See-through Trusts Revisited

Take-Away: Retirement planning guru Natalie Choate recently wrote an article that attempted to shed some light on a favorable 2016 private letter ruling from the IRS with regard to identifying the oldest beneficiary of an accumulation see-through trust to which an IRA was made payable. The IRS’s conclusion was favorable because it seemed to ignore […]

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IRA Distributions: Illness is not a Disability

Take-Away: An exception to the 10% penalty when a distribution is taken from an IRA before attaining age 59 1/2 is when the IRA owner is disabled. But being ill is not the same thing as being disabled. Background: Normally a distribution from an IRA prior to attaining age 59 1/2 will result in a 10% […]

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Lifetime QTIP Trusts: Revisiting an Old Friend

Take-Away: The settlor of a lifetime QTIP trust can become the beneficiary of the QTIP marital trust on the death of the settlor’s spouse and continue to protect the trust’s assets from creditors, even though that trust could easily be classified as a self-settled trust and otherwise exposed to satisfy the settlor’s creditor claims at […]

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How to Avoid RMDs: Cascading Qualified Disclaimers

Take-Away: An IRA that names a trust as its beneficiary results in several, often negative, mandatory distribution rules. The trust must qualify as a ‘see-through’ trust in order to use the oldest trust beneficiary’s life expectancy to calculate required minimum distributions (RMDs), and the IRA normally cannot be rolled over to continue to delay taking […]

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Revocation of Governing Instrument on Divorce

Take-Away: Another court decision was recently reported that found the divorce of an insured revoked the designation of a former spouse as primary beneficiary of a life insurance policy. The Alabama Supreme Court found that this was the case even though the state’s revocation-on-divorce statute was passed after the life insurance policy and beneficiary designation […]

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No Alimony Deduction- May Lead to No IRA Contribution

Take-Away: The 2017 Tax Act made a fundamental change in the income tax laws, effective January 1, 2019. It provides that there is no longer an income tax deduction for the payer of alimony or spousal support. As such, payments of alimony for judgments entered after that date will no longer be treated as taxable […]

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