Mid-Year Market Review

In our 2018 year-end seminar we recapped a period where almost every major asset class posted disappointing returns as investors grew increasingly concerned by the prospect of a global economic slowdown. We also provided our outlook for the key themes we expected to influence markets in the near- term, and the capital market assumptions shaping […]

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Employer Review of Retirement Plan Benefit

What employers can do to help employees to utilize benefits as they near and enter retirement. For many years, you have helped employees save for their retirement by offering an employer sponsored retirement plan benefit. You have encouraged savings through ensuring education sessions were held, individual consultations were available, and maybe even set up automatic […]

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Topics for Your Nonprofit Committee Meetings

Volatility in the financial markets has increased, and the returns that we expect from equity and fixed income markets globally are lower than over the recent market cycles. What are the topics that should be on the meeting agenda for the Finance and Investment Committees for nonprofits? Sustainable Spending Rates One of the more difficult […]

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Repurposing Life Insurance Policies

Over the decades many families purchased life insurance, either to act as an income replacement vehicle when the breadwinner died, or to provide immediate liquidity to pay federal estate taxes on the breadwinner’s death. With the 2017 Tax Act’s temporarily doubled federal estate tax exemption amount to $11.4 million per individual, many believe that they […]

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Partnerships for Impact – the Nonprofit Perspective

A strong nonprofit sector is critical to the success of any community. Yet, there is an inherent power dynamic that enters many of the conversations between funders and the potentially fund-receiving nonprofits which can hinder the development of open and trusting relationships. To truly provide impactful support to our community, funders must recognize this dynamic […]

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June 2019 Perspectives

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Traverse City Growth

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Opportunity Zones

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Benefits of Data Aggregators

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Pending Legislation: Tenants-By-The-Entireties

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Warning: 401(k) Loans Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

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May 2019 Perspectives

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Greenleaf Trust Gives – Our Communities

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Corporate Debt, a Rising Concern?

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Capacity Planning: Is Your Agent Up to the Task?

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Spring into Retirement Savings

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Take a Holiday from Fake Holidays

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Recent Michigan Legislation Regarding Directed Trusts

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April 2019 Perspectives

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Monetary Policy 2019 World Tour

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Know Your Ride Share Driver

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Your Most Valuable Asset – Your Personal Story

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Introducing Multi-Factor Authentication to Your Retirement Plan Account

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Grief and Financial Services

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Triple Tax Benefit – Health Savings Account

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March 2019 Perspectives

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Look Who’s Working Now

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Preventing Financial Elder Abuse

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Is it Time to Move My 401(k) Balance to a Money Market Fund?

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Balancing Debt into Retirement

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February 2019 Perspectives

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Brexit: Where Are We Now?

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Is Your Durable Power of Attorney Aging with You?

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Digital Assets – Are You Planning for Them?

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Millennials: Building Their Legacy

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Hardship Distributions Made Easier in 2019

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January 2019 Perspectives

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2019 Strategic Initiatives

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2018 Review and Outlook

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Reflect, Resolve, Relax

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Your Children and Their Financial Inheritance

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Happily Ever Asher

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December 2018 Perspectives Newsletter

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November 2018 Perspectives Newsletter

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October 2018 Perspectives Newsletter

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September 2018 Perspectives Newsletter

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August 2018 Perspectives Newsletter

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July 2018 Perspectives Newsletter

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June 2018 Perspectives Newsletter

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May 2018 Perspectives Newsletter

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