2018 Heckerling Institute – Directed Trustees and a ‘Shout Out’ for Professional Trustees

Take-Away: The Annual Heckerling Estate Planning Institute is being held this week in Florida. I receive daily summaries of those estate planning presentations from a nationally known estate planning speaker and prolific writer, Martin M. Shenkman. In Mr. Shenkman’s summary of Tuesday’s Heckerling presentation with regard to the use of directed trustees, he provides a […]

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Asset Protection Trusts – The Public Policy Exception

Take-Away: Michigan is one of 17 states that permit self-settled spendthrift asset protection trusts. Michigan’s 2017 version is called the Qualified Dispositions in Trust Act. Unsettled is whether an individual who is not a resident of Michigan can establish an asset protection trust in Michigan. Background: Michigan’s Qualified Dispositions in Trust Act permits an individual […]

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Directed Trusts- Coming to Michigan Soon?

Take-Away: The Michigan Probate and Estate Planning Council recently approved and recommended the Legislature’s adoption of the Uniform Directed Trust Act as an addition to the Michigan Trust Code. The Council also recommended the adoption of a fiduciary coordination concept called a divided trusteeship. Finding a legislative sponsor is now the focus of the Council’s […]

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Income Taxation of Trusts and Estates

Take-Away: With the 2017 Tax Act, we can expect that a lot of clients will want to exploit their new $5.0 gift tax exemption by making lifetime gifts into a ‘dynasty’ type trust for the benefit of their spouse (a SLAT) or a conventional ‘dynasty’ trust for the benefit of their children and grandchildren. It […]

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IRC 199A Deduction – A Trade-Off in Penalties

Take-Away:  An overlooked change in the 2017 Tax Act is a change to the understatement of income tax penalty. The normal threshold for a taxpayer to become exposed to the understatement penalty is when the tax on the 1040 return is understated by greater than  10% of the reported tax. However, if the taxpayer claims […]

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IRC 199A – Independent Contractors and the 20% Deduction for Pass-Through Entities

Take-Away: Apparently there is a lot of chatter these days that professionals need to quickly become independent contractors to position themselves to to claim the 20% deduction from their ‘pass-through’ entity or sole proprietor profits under the new IRC 199A. Before everyone jumps on the independent contractor bandwagon remember that there is no guarantee that […]

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Michigan Trust Decantings Redux

Take-Away: Michigan has two trust decanting statutes where trustees can transfer assets to a ‘new’ trust created by the trustee. One statute deals with changes to a trust’s administrative provisions. Another statute deals with changes to a trust’s dispositive provisions. As more clients use irrevocable dynasty-type trusts or spousal lifetime access trusts [SLATs] to exploit […]

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Minor’s Trust – IRC 2503(c)

Take-Away: A “minor’s trust” is a statutory exception to the normal gift tax annual exclusion rules. Annual Exclusion Rule: For a gift to qualify for the federal gift tax annual exclusion [$15,000 per donee starting this year] the subject of the gift must be a present interest. A present interest  is one that is available […]

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Trust Situs: Michigan Compared to Delaware

Take-Away: Greenleaf Trust recently obtained trust powers in Delaware, leading many to ask the question ‘Why?’ A recent survey of all 50 states that focused on the ‘best place’ to situs an irrevocable trust named Delaware as one of four states in its ‘top tier’ for a trust. These ‘winning’ states are: South Dakota, Alaska, […]

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Reviewing Estate Planning Documents

Take-Away: When you meet with your clients this year for their annual review, it is wise to strongly suggest to them that they have their estate planning documents reviewed by their attorney. Not only many the changes brought about by the 2017 Tax Act impact their existing instruments, several reported cases during the past year […]

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