Sale of Principal Residence – the IRC 121 Exclusion

Take-Away: The general rule is that the gain on the sale of a principal residence can be excluded from gross income up to $250,000. There is, however, a use condition to this exclusion from gross income that could reduce the amount of the exclusion. Background: When a homeowner sells their principal residence, some gain can […]

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Trusts: The “Public Policy” Constraint

Take-Away: A trust provision that encourages divorce, or constrains marriage is invalid, albeit sometimes. Background: As has been previously covered, a trust in Michigan is valid so long as it’s terms do not violate the state’s public policy. “A trust may be created only to the extent its purposes are lawful, not contrary to public […]

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Surviving Spouse as Designated Beneficiary – RMD Delay

Take-Away: A surviving spouse who is named as the designated beneficiary of their deceased spouse’s IRA has options to choose from when taking required minimum distributions. Background: Often overlooked is the option of a surviving spouse who is designated as the beneficiary of their deceased spouse’s IRA to delay taking required minimum distributions (RMDs.) Eligible […]

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SECURE Act Proposed Regulations: The Concurrent Life Expectancy Trap

Take-Away: The SECURE Act’s Proposed Regulations create a potential trap that require the inheritor of an IRA to monitor concurrent life expectancies. Background: The SECURE Act’s Proposed Regulations impose a complex requirement that forces a designated beneficiary to monitor the decedent’s phantom life expectancy and their own life expectancy when it comes to calculating required […]

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SECURE Act Proposed Regulations: Good News and Bad News

Take-Away: The SECURE Act’s Proposed Regulations provide a safe harbor when a trust is named as a retirement account beneficiary and one beneficiary holds a power of appointment over the trust assets. Background: Earlier missives have summarized some of the key changes that appear in the SECURE Act’s Proposed Regulations, including the surprise that if […]

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2023 Green Book Trust Proposals

Take-Away: The President’s (or Treasury’s) 2023 Budget proposal contains a provision that would require trusts to annually file financial statements and possibly disclose the trust beneficiaries. Background: Recall that a year ago some Senators, including Bernie Sanders, proposed the Sensible Taxation and Equity (STEP) Act. The STEP Act included provisions that required annual reporting by […]

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SECURE Act Proposed Regulations: Good News and Bad News

Take-Away: The SECURE Act’s Proposed Regulations provide a safe harbor when a trust is named as a retirement account beneficiary and one beneficiary holds a power of appointment over the trust assets. Background: Earlier missives have summarized some of the key changes that appear in the SECURE Act’s Proposed Regulations, including the surprise that if […]

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July, 2022 Applicable Federal Rates of Interest

Short-term (less than 3 years) Annual (2.37%), Semi- (2.36%), Quarterly (2.35%),  Monthly (2.35%) Mid-term (3 years up to 9 years) Annual (2.99%), Semi- (2.97%), Quarterly (2.96%), Monthly (2.95%) Long-term (9 years and more) Annual (3.22%), Semi- (3.19%), Quarterly (3.18%), Monthly (3.17%)  The IRC 7520 Rate used to value life estates and interests in CRTs, QPRTs, […]

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FBAR Penalties

Take-Away: Clients with foreign bank accounts need to be made aware of the civil penalties for not filing the annual FBAR form required under the Bank Secrecy Act. Some federal courts interpret the civil penalty for not filing the FBAR form very liberally, which results in the imposition of excessive civil penalties. Background:  The 1990 […]

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2023 Biden-Budget Proposals

Take-Away: Like last March, President Biden’s 2023 proposed Budget includes many tax increases. Given the state of gridlock in Washington these days, it is highly unlikely much (if anything) will come of these proposed tax changes, at least until after a new Congress is seated in 2023.   [Disclosure: I feel almost guilty clogging your […]

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