RMDs and the 3-Year Statute of Limitations

There is now a three year statute of limitations associated with the failure to take a required minimum distribution (RMD) from a retirement account.

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Applicable Multi-Beneficiary Trusts – Again!

Trusts for disabled or chronically ill beneficiaries can exploit the stretch distribution rules for retirement benefits made payable to the trust.

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Home Rentals and the “Master’s Rule”

Often there is the temptation to rent one’s home for a short period of time, especially when there is a strong demand for housing for short period of time. The tax law favors such short-term rentals of a home, but as always there are limits to this opportunity.

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Disabled and Chronically Ill Beneficiaries – The ‘Devil is in the Details’

Disabled or chronically ill designated beneficiaries of retirement accounts have the opportunity to stretch required minimum distributions over their lifetimes (using the Single Life Table). Qualifying as an eligible designated beneficiary who is either disabled or chronically ill in order to be able to stretch those distributions is difficult.

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FDIC Insurance and Trusts

Take-Away: Federal Deposit Insurance (FDIC) insurance coverage for deposit accounts held by a trust depend on the number of identifiable, primary, trust beneficiaries. The rule is also changing in 2024.

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Why Refuse the RMD Relief

While the IRS has provided relief in two Notices to some beneficiaries who have inherited retirement accounts in the past three years, thus relieving them of the obligation to take annual required minimum distributions (RMDs), deferring an RMD may not be a wise move from an overall income tax-savings perspective.

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Managing Charitable Funds

Changing the restrictions of a charitable gift is possible, but not everyone can participate in the legal proceedings brought to modify, or eliminate, that restriction or condition.

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Directed Trusts – What a Trustee Needs to Look For in the Trust

As more modern trusts incorporate the use of a trust director, or trust protector, it is important for the proposed trustee to closely read the trust instrument to clarify when, how, and in what circumstances that the trustee must follow the directions of the trust director.

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457(b) Plans

There are different rules (or traps) depending upon what type of 457(b) plan an individual participates in through his/her employment

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The ‘Two’ Roth 5-Year Rules

Take-Away: There are two, separate, ‘5-year rules’ that need to be satisfied before taking a distribution from a Roth IRA.

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