The following is a checklist compiled by David A. Handler and Kristen A. Curatolol that appeared in the April 2019 edition of Trusts & Estates.

  1. Plan for incapacity
  2. Fund the revocable trust
  3. Make tax-free gifts
  4. Make charitable gifts during life
  5. Use gift tax exemptions
  6. Make taxable gifts
  7. Reduce state estate taxes
  8. Substitute low basis trust assets
  9. Transfer depreciated assets to spouse
  10. Make gifts of appreciated assets from spouse and others
  11. Consolidate instruments
  12. Grant or eliminate general powers of appointment
  13. Exercise a limited power of appointment
  14. Revisit designated fiduciaries
  15. Review life insurance
  16. Transfer partnership interests
  17. Terminate old family limited partnership or LLCs and trusts
  18. Terminate leases
  19. Pay off promissory notes
  20. Accelerate income in respect of a decedent
  21. Review governing instruments of FLPs and FLLCs
  22. Transfer depreciated assets to avoid ‘loss of the loss’
  23. Purchase grantor retained annuity trust remainder interests by spouse
  24. Direct the sale of homes and other assets in a Will
  25. Transfer funds from IRAs to charity
  26. Review charity pledge agreements
  27. Review private foundation’s organizational documents and structure
  28. Oversee disposition of digital assets
  29. Plan for disposition of stored genetic material and treatment of posthumous children

Plan for disposition of bodily remains