About Us

Your best interest. Always.

We do not sell financial products. It is simply not in our clients’ best interest. We adhere to the highest standards of fiduciary excellence while providing personalized service and solutions that deliver the best outcomes for you, not commissions.

What you can expect from us:

We have been independent from the start. Our autonomy ensures that your well-being is at the center of everything we do.

Every client is assigned a dedicated, client centric team comprised of a trust relationship officer, wealth management advisor and team service coordinator. This team works closely with other key Greenleaf Trust professionals to provide holistic perspectives and solutions.

We align ourselves with our clients’ best interests as evidenced in our independent ownership, transparent fee structure, in-depth and conflict-free internal research, and strict avoidance of proprietary (in-house) funds.

Ready to experience the Greenleaf Trust difference?




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Trust is in our name. It’s what we do.

Financial security from generation to generation isn’t just our tagline. It is our number one mission. It’s how we approach all our clients’ financial well-being.

See what sets us apart

Our core values build the foundation for everything we do.

Everything we do is grounded in our core values laying the foundation for the way we do business and conduct ourselves in service to our clients.

Client Focused

Our clients are the heart of our business and the focus of everything we do.


  • Services are driven by our clients’ needs
  • Provide solution-based services customized to meet clients’ needs
  • Gain an understanding of clients and coworkers needs, objectives, fears, and desires by listening.
  • Provide uncompromised client confidentiality
  • We are responsive, quickly moving into action after wise planning
  • Our asset management is grounded in an investment policy to assure a disciplined approach
  • We utilize state-of-the-art technology.
  • Remain committed to being independent
  • We are unclouded by conflict of interest, accepting no fee rebates or soft dollar remuneration from any of the investments in our client portfolios
  • Our fee is based on client portfolio market value, not the size or the number of transactions, and there are no hidden costs


Integrity & Accuracy

A commitment to doing it right and getting it right.


  • We do what is right and adhere to ethical principles
  • Quality control is essential
  • We take responsibility for our decisions at both the individual and company levels
  • We maintain integrity, commitment, and accountability to our clients, our coworkers and the communities we serve
  • We do what we say we are going to do
  • Quick and accurate response to clients’ needs is our top priority
  • When a mistake is made, we take ownership of it, identify the solution and implement it



We never stop improving ourselves and the service to our clients.


  • We review processes and practices annually in a structured manner
  • We regularly evaluate our vision for growth
  • We are receptive to new ideas
  • Our core values are the basis for the way we work and do business and are an integral part of the way we relate to our clients and our coworkers
  • As we engage and participate in continuous individual and corporate improvement, we must exemplify the following attributes:
    • View challenges as opportunities
    • Commit to the highest standards of professional integrity
    • Take advantage of opportunities for professional growth



One team working together on behalf our most important asset, our clients.


  • Services are delivered through a team approach that allows the collective wisdom of our employees to address clients’ needs
  • We place value on teamwork and corporate mission, working together for the good of the organization
  • We engage all employees in defining processes and roles of participation in the work environment
  • We hire and retain the highest quality, experienced staff
  • Diversity is good; it makes us better decision-makers
  • Professionalism, respect, and dignity are the fundamental principles by which we treat others
  • We have a robust understanding and are respectful of all roles needed to serve our clients
  • We maintain a balance between family, work and community service


Budget Process

Continuously committed to advancing our services, our business and our client’s success.


  • We are committed to the advancement of client-centered services that enhance our investment process, communication, and reporting
  • We are committed to achieving enterprise-wide improvements through the implementation of continuous improvement by way of workgroup recommendations
  • We are committed to employee growth, recruitment, retention, and education
  • We are committed to financial stewardship that increases capitalization
  • We are committed to our shareholders’ growth in equity


Employment Process

We employ the best partners so you get the best results.


  • It is our policy to select applicants we believe to be the best qualified. Moreover, Greenleaf Trust and all its associates shall sustain and adhere to the principles of equal opportunity in compliance with all pertinent federal, state and local rules, regulations and laws governing fair employment
  • Employment selection and all other employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or gender identification, disability or handicap, age, weight, veteran status, marital status or any other basis prohibited by law


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